The Miracles Asia News Feed

Unlocking the Loopholes to Access Your Superannuation Early For Addiction Treatment
Facing addiction or trauma can be a challenging and life-altering experience. In times of crisis, financial constraints can feel like insurmountable barriers to getting the help and treatment you or your loved ones desperately need, but support is available.
Miracles Asia has a long-standing partnership with Release My Super. Together we can assist Australians in navigating a complicated and often frustrating process to access your superannuation early to cover the total cost of your addiction treatment at our rehab facility in Phuket, Thailand.
The Australian government has provisions that allow for early access to super in cases such as severe financial hardship or on compassionate grounds.

Help For Veterans Struggling With PTSD & Addiction
My name is Michael Pugh, and I am an honorably discharged U.S. Army combat veteran.
I served on active duty for several enlistments with the 3rd Infantry and 82nd Airborne Divisions, as well as a platoon sergeant in the 4/160 Infantry California National Guard, where I graduated from many schools, including Airborne, Jumpmaster, Jungle Warfare, and Ranger Schools.
During my service, I amassed a distinguished record and am a highly decorated soldier.
After being discharged, I studied at San Diego State University, where I was awarded a merit scholarship at Oxford University, England.

What Is Alcohol Intolerance?
Alcohol intolerance is a real and often underdiagnosed condition. It’s not the same as an alcohol allergy, but it can be just as serious. If you have alcohol intolerance, drinking even a small amount of alcohol can cause uncomfortable symptoms like flushing, headache, and nausea.
Unfortunately, many people with alcohol intolerance don’t know they have it until they have a reaction. And, since reactions can vary from person to person, it can be hard to diagnose.
Alcohol intolerance can be particularly problematic if you have developed a dependence on, or have be diagnosed with an addiction to alcohol, as repeated exposure to alcohol can make the symptoms more dangerous.